Gentlemen (and Ladies!). It is that time again. Yes, it really is! A Spring Convention just around the corner. The CJ-20 system is now ready for you to sign up for Spring 2017. So don’t delay, get your entry in to Spring sing! Remember, mixed quartets and combined choruses need to use the SUN web site to register while BHS quartets and choruses need to use the CJ-20 system on the BHS web site (ebiz/members only). The cutoff date for registering to sing is February 10, 2017. I know it is holiday time and everyone is busy but get thinking about it now and sign up! I will send out a note at the first of the new year to remind you but at that point you barely have a month left to sign up. Make your plans now! And have a wonderful holiday season!!
Stephen Janes,
SUN VP for Contest and Judging