The Sunshine District is an official district of the Barbershop Harmony Society (SPEBSQSA, Inc.). Our Vision? “To be an ever-growing fraternity of barbershop style singers, leading the cause of encouraging vocal music in our schools and communities.” “Barbershoppers” are people of goodwill and believe joining in fellowship and music enhances life.

The Sunshine District is comprised of just under 2,000 people of all ages, backgrounds and walks-of-life from 41 different chapters throughout Florida. Besides reaching out to our local towns and cities, The Sunshine District hosts numerous events geared toward exercising our passion together.

All Inquiries about Sunshine District may be addressed to: Roger Smeds VP Communications & Information Technology.

Website inquiries may be directed to: Roger SmedsDistrict Webmaster Click Here to email Roger

Click here for a list of the Board of Directors and their email information.

Click here for a list of the District Committee Chairmen and their email information.

If you need to mail a check to the District Treasurer, you may send it to this address:
Sunshine District
13948 Sheffield Court
Wellington, FL  33414