Sunshine District Mission Statement
The Sunshine District of The Barbershop Harmony Society brings people together in harmony and fellowship to enrich lives through singing in the state of Florida. To work in this direction, we will strive:
To support the vision statement of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
To perpetuate the old American institution, the Barbershop quartet, and to promote and encourage vocal harmony and good fellowship among our members throughout the state of Florida by the formation of local chapters composed of members interested in our style of harmony.
To provide an all-inclusive environment across cultural, ethnic, racial, sexual orientation, gender, social, economic and generational lines.
To encourage and promote the education of our members and the public in music appreciation.
To promote public appreciation of Barbershop quartet and chorus singing by publication and dissemination of information about chapter and quartet shows and programs.
To support music scholarships and charitable foundations on the local and international level and to initiate, promote and participate in other charitable projects.
To initiate and maintain a broad program of musical education, particularly in the field of vocal harmony and the allied arts.
To hold semi-annual district contests in quartet and chorus singing.
About Our Strategic Vision
Everyone in Harmony: a bold vision for a bright future
The gift of harmony is too wonderful for us to keep to ourselves. It is a gift that we are not only compelled to share, but one that we now have the capability, resources and unity of purpose to share with everyone.
We need to share it with young and old, with people of every color and every strata, with city people and country people and everyone in between, because the world needs what we have.
Harmony compels us to blend, to cooperate, to create beauty. Indeed, to love each other. It’s time to think of the gift of harmony not just as a treasure for our own enjoyment, but as a tool for direct social impact.
Vision Statement of the Barbershop Harmony Society