Hello Sunshine District!
Hopefully you will be either attending or watching the webcast of the BHS International Convention in early July, held this year in Salt Lake City. That’s a long way away from Florida. Some of you may not know that Sunshine is one of only a handful of Districts that give monetary support to our International and Midwinter competitors – both quartets and choruses competing under the SUN Banner…but it’s never enough.
Once again, our talent-rich District is sending three quartets to International, and we are blessed that they are all Top 10 groups (#2, #3, and #10 last year!). We could not be more proud of each and every one!
I know that Signature, Throwback, and Rooftop Records would greatly appreciate any money to help them offset the travel costs associated with representing our District for an entire week.
Any amount you choose to give will be distributed among these great quartets as a supplement to what the District will be able to give them. Just think – if every single member of this District donated $5.00, we’d have $6,000 to disperse! That would cover airfare for all three quartets…and have some left over for hotels and meals.
Click on the “Donate” button at the bottom of this page, and you’ll be whisked away to PayPal where you can EASILY enter a donation by debit or credit card (without signing up for PayPal).
The link will also be on our web page from now until just after international in July.
Please – Help these gentlemen on their journey as they try to bring some more hardware and shiny things home to Sunshine!
On behalf of the SUN District Board,
Chuck Steiner III
Sunshine District President
P.S. Our Choruses need some love, too! Tampa is representing SUN, while Jacksonville is combining with a chorus from NSC (Carolinas District) and will be singing under their banner. To help choruses out, please contact them directly via their Treasurers:
Tampa Bay Heralds of Harmony: hoht@tampabay.rr.com
Tampa also has a GoFundMe site setup for the influx of younger members that have joined; https://www.gofundme.com/help-our-young-members-go-to-international-contest
Jacksonville Big Orange Chorus: Secretary@bigorangechorus.com
Please: When you donate using the button below, include a note in the memo section that indicates the donation is for: SLC Quartet Donation.