SUN Spring Convention

2023 Spring Convention was a success! Three and a Half Men win the right to represent Sunshine District in the International Quartet Competition in Louisville, KY, July 2-9, 2023. The quartet took the honors in the International Quartet Preliminary contest in Sunshine...

A Whole New World!

Here is a perspective on LDJ from the district’s new social media manager, Melissa Klotzbach.   A Whole New World By Melissa Klotzbach New District Digital Marketing Consultant under Roger Smeds My husband, Jack Klotzbach, is a barbershop singer. We...

Sunshine Spring Convention Cancelled!

Dear Sunshine Members, The Sunshine District was faced with yet another tough situation with our convention this Spring. We contacted our District Chapters and Quartets to check on their status given the ongoing pandemic. Results overwhelmingly indicated scant...