Can you believe? It is that time again!! Registration is now open for all the contests for the Fall Convention!
  • District Quartet Contest? Check
  • Senior’s International Quartet Preliminary Contest? Check
  • Chorus International Preliminary Contest? Check

All you have to do is go to the member’s only page on the BHS web site and enter your information . .

And that’s not all. Sign up for the Mixed Harmony Quartet contest via the SUN Web site – just like you did this past spring. And don’t forget, there is a Combined Chorus Contest (Contact the VP for Music and Performance – if you think you would be interested.

And finally, there is a new possibility if you are over the age of 55! Each District is being encouraged to create a Senior’s Chorus to be judged during the Fall Convention and the top 5 Choruses from all the Districts will be invited to compete at Mid-Winter in San Antonio this coming January. Thought you didn’t have the voice left to compete with the big boys? Well, here is your chance to perform for a great audience with others who have mature voices and maybe even get to the big stage at Mid-Winter Convention. Some Districts have already begun rehearsals. All it will take is learning your music (2 songs with learning tracks) and maybe 2 or three rehearsals prior to the Fall Convention! How neat is that? Again, if you are interested, contact the VP for Music and Performance – . If there is enough interest, a sign-up will be available on the SUN web site where you will be able to get your music and learning tracks.

Just a reminder to all competitors: you are responsible for making sure the music you plan on singing in Contest is both legally obtained (permission has been obtained from the copyright holder) and is arranged in the barbershop style acceptable to the Music Judges. Don’t have your songs ‘penalized’ for not being contestable when all you have to do is go to the BHS web site for the name of the music committee that will look at your music and let you know if there are any problems. It is your responsibility, no one else will do it for you . . . Any questions? Just ask the VP for Contest and Judging –

Cutoff date is September 9th so don’t wait until the last day – REGISTER NOW!

Steven Janes
VP for Contest and Judging