Fall 2017 Convention – Come for the competitions, stay for the shows!

In addition to our regular mix of Quartet, Mixed Quartet, VLQ,  and Chorus Competitions, this fall will feature Shows on both Friday and Saturday night after the competitions are over. On Friday, the Sunshine District Association of Quartet Champions (SDAQC) show will feature Keepsake who are celebrating their 25th Anniversary of winning International Gold along with Rooftop Records and the SDAQC Chorus. On Saturday, along with the newly crowned Quartet Champions, and our International Qualifying chorus will be Main Street, our current International Quartet Champions. Our other International medalist quartets, Signature and Throwback may also be in attendance. So, come join us for a great weekend of Barbershop at it’s best!

Spring 2017 Convention just around the corner!

Gentlemen (and Ladies!). It is that time again. Yes, it really is! A Spring Convention just around the corner. The CJ-20 system is now ready for you to sign up for Spring 2017. So don’t delay, get your entry in to Spring sing! Remember, mixed quartets and combined choruses need to use the SUN web site to register while BHS quartets and choruses need to use the CJ-20 system on the BHS web site (ebiz/members only). The cutoff date for registering to sing is February 10, 2017. I know it is holiday time and everyone is busy but get thinking about it now and sign up! I will send out a note at the first of the new year to remind you but at that point you barely have a month left to sign up. Make your plans now! And have a wonderful holiday season!!


Stephen Janes,
SUN VP for Contest and Judging

Fall 2016 Convention a great event despite Hurricane Matthew

The Fall 2016 Convention was a success despite the efforts of Hurricane Matthew. Kudos to Sunshine Events VP Chuck Steiner, Convention Chairman Bruce Checca, all the members of the Convention Team, as well as the host chapter, Orlando, for putting on a successful convention under the difficult conditions caused by Hurricane Matthew that required delaying the contest for 3 weeks.

In the quartet contest, top honors were captured by Rooftop Records who took the 2016 Quartet Championship with a score of 1981 or an average of 81.7%. In second place was Fuego with a score of 1819 or an average of 75.8%. Third place was Back Street 4 with a score of 1728 or an average of 72.0%.

All score sheets for the contest are available HERE.

In the International Preliminary Senior Quartet competition, Easy Street won the right to represent the Sunshine District at the International Senors Quartet Contest to be held in San Antonio next January. They scored 871 points in a single session or an average of 72.6%.

In the Mixed Quartet contest, Mixed Tricks took first place with a score of 845 or an average of 70.4%.

In the chorus competition, the Tampa Heralds of Harmony took top honors with a score of 1002 or an average of 83.5%. Tampa will be the Sunshine District Representative to the International Chorus Competition in July of 2017 in Las Vegas.

Orlando achieved a Grade Improvement of C+ to B- and is the Sunshine District Most Improved Chorus. Winter Park is the Sunshine District Very Large Quartet Champion with a score of 887 or an average of 73.9%.

Alex Rubin was inducted into the Sunshine District Hall of Fame for 25 years of exceptional service to Sunshine District.

A new Sunshine District award the “Martin Rubin Award” was created this year to honor individuals who may not be BHS society members. The purpose of this award is to recognize an individual who has made significant contributions in support of the Sunshine District over a period of time, regardless of membership in the Barbershop Harmony Society. It may be presented by the District President at the Fall Convention to give credit and recognition to that individual for his or her efforts in their continuous support of the Sunshine District and its activities. The award was presented this year, posthumously, to Martin Rubin for whom the award is named.

2016 Fall Competition Registration is Now Open!

Can you believe? It is that time again!! Registration is now open for all the contests for the Fall Convention!
  • District Quartet Contest? Check
  • Senior’s International Quartet Preliminary Contest? Check
  • Chorus International Preliminary Contest? Check

All you have to do is go to the member’s only page on the BHS web site and enter your information . .

And that’s not all. Sign up for the Mixed Harmony Quartet contest via the SUN Web site – just like you did this past spring. And don’t forget, there is a Combined Chorus Contest (Contact the VP for Music and Performance – music@sunshinedistrict.org) if you think you would be interested.

And finally, there is a new possibility if you are over the age of 55! Each District is being encouraged to create a Senior’s Chorus to be judged during the Fall Convention and the top 5 Choruses from all the Districts will be invited to compete at Mid-Winter in San Antonio this coming January. Thought you didn’t have the voice left to compete with the big boys? Well, here is your chance to perform for a great audience with others who have mature voices and maybe even get to the big stage at Mid-Winter Convention. Some Districts have already begun rehearsals. All it will take is learning your music (2 songs with learning tracks) and maybe 2 or three rehearsals prior to the Fall Convention! How neat is that? Again, if you are interested, contact the VP for Music and Performance – music@sunshinedistrict.org . If there is enough interest, a sign-up will be available on the SUN web site where you will be able to get your music and learning tracks.

Just a reminder to all competitors: you are responsible for making sure the music you plan on singing in Contest is both legally obtained (permission has been obtained from the copyright holder) and is arranged in the barbershop style acceptable to the Music Judges. Don’t have your songs ‘penalized’ for not being contestable when all you have to do is go to the BHS web site for the name of the music committee that will look at your music and let you know if there are any problems. It is your responsibility, no one else will do it for you . . . Any questions? Just ask the VP for Contest and Judging – contestjudging@sunshinedistrict.org

Cutoff date is September 9th so don’t wait until the last day – REGISTER NOW!

Steven Janes
VP for Contest and Judging