Sunshine Spring Convention Cancelled!
Dear Sunshine Members,
The Sunshine District was faced with yet another tough situation with our convention this Spring.
We contacted our District Chapters and Quartets to check on their status given the ongoing pandemic. Results overwhelmingly indicated scant interest in attending due to Covid-19. Based on these circumstances, it is impossible to hold our Spring Convention.
We realize this creates an issue for quartets looking to qualify for International and alternate options are being explored. Unfortunately, BHS and SCJC are not allowing video submissions and SUN quartets may need to compete in another District.
In Harmony,
SUN Events Team
Spring Convention Coming March 25 – 27, 2022
Watch this space for information on the 2022 Spring Convention!
Spring Convention Info2022 Leadership Academy (LeadAC) – Harmony University – Top Gun Coaching Registration is open!
2022 Leadership Academy/Harmony College/Top Gun Quartet Coaching is January 7-9, 2022
This event is for all chapter officers, future officers and members interested chapter business. Also for quartets who would like some great coaching to help hone their skills. Hotel reservations for the event are the responsibility of each individual attending and to get the special rate pricing, you must reserve by December 24, 2021.
Reserve Hotel Room for LeadAC
Register for LeadAC/Top Gun Coaching
More information and LeadAC Schedule
After careful consideration, The Sunshine District, along with The AIC and Harmony Foundation have decided that, despite our best efforts to make LDJ as safe as possible, we simply cannot. As we all know, the delta variant continues to ravage the country, and especially Florida. We had hoped that it would peak and then quickly drop. That has not happened. Florida continues to be “the epicenter” for this, and we acknowledge that despite our best efforts to make it happen, we cannot do so safely.
All Labor Day Jamboree events, including shows, the novice contest and all official gatherings have been cancelled.
We have heard that many people still plan to hang out and fellowship, and enjoy the Omni resort. We only ask that you do it safely, and please consider following the protocols and guidelines that had been put into place, and protect each other’s health.
SUN, AIC, and HFI all worked diligently in an attempt to make this happen, for many reasons, and the decision to cancel is for so many other reasons- more important reasons. But one of them was certainly the financial impact of cancellation. Flights, production deposits, safety equipment, etc. all are non refundable and pose a strong negative financial impact for all three organizations. If you still intend to gather at the Omni, or are just feeling compassionate for the situation, please consider contributing your registration cost to help mitigate the losses on this event. Any gifts would be greatly appreciated.
Unless you notify us otherwise before September 10th, all registration purchases will be rolled over to LDJ 2022.
Since the event has been canceled, we will also honor refund requests. Please note – All refunds are returned to the original method of payment. If you bought yours from another individual and/or had a registration transferred from someone else, you’ll need to contact the person that sold it to you. To donate your registration cost or request a full refund, please fill out this form:
The LDJ block at the Omni ChampionsGate resort has a five day cancellation policy, so if you are not attending, you MUST cancel your room by calling the hotel at (407) 390-6664, OR you may cancel online from the reservation confirmation link that was emailed to you by the Omni when you booked your room.
We all want to sing together again. So badly. We apologize that it took this long to cancel, but your well-being and safety must be placed above all else. Even with proof of vaccination and negative PCR tests, masks, and distancing, the activities outside of our control that take place at LDJ, although discouraged, would have introduced more risks that we were not willing to take.
We know that some will be upset by this decision, some will applaud it, and some will be angry that it took this long. But we would rather deal with those emotions and anger than the possible fallout from a super-spreader event. We hope that we can all can agree on that.
We will try again next year! Same location. Until then, friends, thank you for supporting LDJ and thank you in advance for your understanding.
Please- if you haven’t, consider getting vaccinated so we can be together again!
Thank you – the LDJ Team
Fall 2021 District Convention Cancelled!
Live Barbershop is BACK – come to Laborday Jamboree!
Spring 2021 Convention Cancelled
Regrettably, SUN will not be holding a Spring 2021 Convention in St. Augustine. After a discussion with the Board and House of Delegates, we feel that since quartets are qualifying for Cleveland via video submission, and the choruses from Los Angeles as well as those that had a high score will be automatically invited, there is no reason to hold an in-person convention that would most likely be sparsely attended. This is disappointing, but we cannot risk the expenses it costs to hold a convention if we have no chance of even breaking even. This is trending among most Districts. We look forward to when we can meet and sing in person again!!
Sunshine District Labor Day Jamboree has been cancelled.
It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we must announce the cancellation of Labor Day Jamboree (LDJ) which was to take place September 4-7, 2020 in Orlando, FL. We know this will come as a great disappointment not only to our membership but also to our brothers and sisters in harmony from outside the Sunshine District that travel to join us year after year.
Please understand this is not a decision that we have taken lightly. As one of the Sunshine District’s cornerstone events, LDJ is known for being a fun-filled family weekend that brings people together from many different locations, and the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 has been a major factor in the decision to cancel. Our primary concern is for the health and safety of our attendees and performers who make this event possible. We sincerely appreciate your continued support of Labor Day Jamboree and look forward to sharing our updated plans for LDJ 2021 later this year.
In harmony,
Chad Bennett, LDJ Chairman
New Chapter in Sunshine District!
We have FANTASTIC news: the Jacksonville, FL chapter has fulfilled all the requirements to become a chapter. They are fully active as of 5/01/2020.
The Jacksonville, FL chapter currently has 20 members and performs as a mixed chorus known as Bold City Sound. Bold City Sound’s values are family, community, musical excellence, and fun!
Below are the new Jacksonville, FL chapter leader titles and contact information – please pass along this awesome news, and help welcome our newest chapter to the BHS and SUN family!
- Chapter President: Dave Scott –
- Treasurer and Secretary: Mark Graham Jr.-
- VP Music & Performance: Lizzie Green –
- VP Marketing & Public Relations – Robert Reeves –
- VP Chapter Development – Jeannie Correa –
- General Chapter Email –